Commerce & Business Management Department

  1. Prof.Hardev Kaur (HOD) Assistant Professor M.Com., M.Phil., UGC-NET
  2. Prof.Jagdeep Kaur Assistant Professor M.Com., UGC-NET
  3. Prof.Gurjit Singh Assistant Professor On Deputation
  4. Prof.Rajni Saini Assistant Professor M.Com., M.Phil
  5. Prof.Varinder Kaur Assistant Professor M.Com., UGC-NET, M.Phil.

Undergraduate Courses
Sr. NoCourseEligibility
1.BCom-I10+2 in any discipline from recognized board or any other examination equivalent there to by GNDU with 40% marks.
2.BBA-I10+2 in any discipline from recognized board or any other examination equivalent there to by GNDU with 40% marks.
3.BCOM(FINANACIAL SERVICES)-I10+2 in any discipline from recognized board or any other examination equivalent there to by GNDU with 40% marks.

Postgraduate Course
Sr. NoCourseEligibility
1.MCom-I50% marks in BCom or BBA or BCam or BECom from GNDU or any other recognized university.

Vision,Mission & Objectives
    • To awaken and stimulate the latent interests of students by providing a platform for co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.
    • To develop a work culture and leadership qualities among the students to face the global challenges.
    • To integrate more and more with values especially dignity of work and social commitment.

About Us

Trai Shatabdi Guru Gobind Singh Khalsa College, Amritsar is a premier post-graduate institution, affiliated to Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, was established in 1999 to commemorate tri-centenary celebration of Khalsa Panth with a very few departments and a handful of students on the eve of tri-centenary of Khalsa Panth .

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Contact Details

Telephone:0183-5061391, 2544910

Ramsar Road,
Near Guru Ramdas Hospital,