Vision,Mission & Objectives
To awaken and stimulate the latent interests of students by providing a platform for co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.
To develop a work culture and leadership qualities among the students to face the global challenges.
To integrate more and more with values especially dignity of work and social commitment.
About Us
Trai Shatabdi Guru Gobind Singh Khalsa College, Amritsar is a premier post-graduate institution, affiliated to Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, was established in 1999 to commemorate tri-centenary celebration of Khalsa Panth with a very few departments and a handful of students on the eve of tri-centenary of Khalsa Panth . The objective of the institution was to impart state of art education to poor and weaker sections of the society. Since its inception the institution has been deeply committed to the propagation of patriotism, nationalism and secularism.
Secretary(Education)'s Message

Trai Shatabdi Sri Guru Gobind Singh Khalsa College Sri Amritsar was established in 1999 to commemorate the 3rd centenary of the 10th Sikh Guru Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji with an aim to provide quality education to students at under graduate and post graduate level. Situated in the heart of holy city of Amritsar in a convivial atmosphere, the college is taking huge strides to provide premium education to its students. The College ensures that its students do not just accumulate degrees but also become worthy of getting placed. Here the aim is not just to provide knowledge but also to encourage them to apply their minds. Every effort is made to chisel them to develop their creative edge. We believe that great things are achieved by a series of small things brought together and in this direction every effort is made by the seasoned faculty who share their knowledge with their students in ultra modern labs and state- of- the- art infrastructure to make teaching interesting and meaningful. Well stocked library initiates the students to explore the world. All out efforts are made to ensure that study in pursuit of knowledge remains the highest good promoting reason.
I hope and wish that with the combined efforts of the management and the college, the college will develop its distinct name in its emphasis on quality to further scholarship. I wish the college well and believe that it will soon become a locus of pedagogy.
With Best Wishes
S. Sukhminder Singh
Secretary (Education),
Shiromani Gurdwara Parbhandak Committee,
Sri Amritsar